
Check out the different schools offering Party & Festival & English Courses in Malta

Malta sometimes dreamy, sometimes cool but mostly sunny! If you think that the Southern European island in the Mediterranean offers only churches and party places, you should look more intensively. Malta packs an absolutely magnificent variety in its small archipelago. There are prehistoric temples, fascinating architecture, fossil cliffs, hidden bays and caves, modern co-workingspaces, international festivals, a mecca for start-up companies and international film producers, and a more than 6500-year history with three UNESCO World Heritage sites. A remarkable Mediterranean mix. The landscapes of Malta includes everything from stony cliffs, green meadows to golden sand beaches with crystalclear water. And the list of activities is endlessly long: hiking, diving, sailing and snorkelling and windsurfing are just some of the many things you can experience in this area. It is therefore no surprise that learning English in Malta has been very popular in recent years.